This week we honored breastfeeding with World Breastfeeding Week. The art of breastfeeding goes beyond the pure nourishment from mother to child. This journey is so personal, no one can quite prepare you until it's yours. It's emotional, it's a bond, an attachment between mother and child. It is beauty, in it's purest form. It is exhausting, selfless, a full time job. It's being needed, bitten, touched out, wanting to be done, but never wanting it to end. Breastfeeding our children is a part of our lives as mothers, that we treasure with every ounce of our being. It is feminism in the complete sense of the word. It is strength. It is an honor and privilege. This week is a tool we can use to open our society to breastfeeding, so that women are supported when they need it most. If you're a new mother beginning your journey, find the support in your community, your tribe and the lactation professionals in your area. Lean into that support into those early days. And if you know a breastfeeding mother, support her.